21 April 2007

Which trip would you take?

Trip A: 3,000EEK – about $250
Trip B: 3,100EEK – about $258

A: 3 days – about 75 hours
B: 6 days – about 135 hours

Time in Transit.
A: 8% – about 6 hours (on train and plane)
B: 55% – about 76 hours (on bus)

A: 1 hostel - 7 to a room
B: 4 hotels - 2 or 3 to a room

City Stops.
A: 1 - London (about 69 hours)
B: 3 - Prague (about 40 hours) plus Karlovy Vary and Prachovské Skály National Park

Fellow Travelers.
A: 7 - High school seniors, all girls
B: 45 -about 40 high school seniors and 3 adults

I am taking both trips this summer: to the Czech Republic in June and to London in August.