Tonight's concert of the Grammy Award-winning Eesti Filharmoonia Kammerkoor in Tallinn's 13th century Niguliste kirik has been postponed until May 18. Individuals, so young that they have lived in the Republic of Estonia longer than they lived in the Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic, continue to loiter a few short blocks from the kirik, to throw rocks at police officers dressed prophylactically in riot gear, to smash benign storefront windows, and to pillage stores selling liquor and cigarettes - many in front of television news cameras.
These young people, whose most recent hot meal was undoubtedly prepared by their short, stout, hard-working mothers, have either Estonian or Russian passports. Their Estonian passport gives them access to nearly every country in the European Union, which has a GDP second only to the USA. Their Russian passport admits them to country with the 11th largest GDP in the world. What's their beef?
The Eesti Filharmoonia Kammerkoor's May 18 performance in Tallinn will be preceded by concerts in Norwich, Edinburgh, and Manchester and will be followed by concerts in Italy and Norway.
28 April 2007
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