Hungarian bing cherries for 45EEK a kilo, or $3.91 for 2.2 pounds, or let's say two bucks a pound. How much were they at Whole Foods this year?
Roses and carnations from Tapa Gümnaasium's Class of 2007. There is a scheduled pause in the graduation ceremony for the students, who do not wear cap and gown but slick suits and prom dresses, to go into the audience and give flowers to their teachers. I got a lot, which sort of confirmed that I did indeed connect with these young people. I remember one brilliant exchange in a class with 12B. We were talking about - really laughing about - Easter traditions. One guy asked me if I were going to paint eggs, and I said no, I am not going to paint my munad. Munad means eggs in Estonian as well as testicles. "No, I'm not going to paint my balls" is what I was saying, and everyone laughed and, I think, appreciated that their English had - for at least the two minute George and Gracie routine - been worth it.
I grew a few potatoes in a pot over the winter. Lots of vines - lots of green - crawl out from one potatoe. So I had it sitting on a long window sill all window. In February, I mentioned to one green-thumbed teacher that my potatoe plant was doing really well. She looked at me as if I had said marijuana, or poppy, or home porn videos!